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Question 1[1 Mark]
A programmed microcontroller in a X iterates. Bob really like his name. He would love a way to be able to see is name over and over again. Bob likes his name so much, he decided that he wants to print it out his name 1000 times on a computer screen! Which of the three concepts we have learned in Python so far (sequence, selection, iteration) should Bob use? Explain why!
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Question 2[4 Marks]
Outline two benefits of high level languages over low level languages such as Assembly.
Question 3[1 Mark]
Which of the following correctly describes a foreign key?
An attribute that forms part of a composite primary key to uniquely identify a record in a table.
An attribute that uniquely identifies a record in a relational database table.
An attribute that is copied to an index data structure in order to optimise query efficiency for those rows / records associated with the copied attribute.
An attribute that corresponds to the value of a primary key in another table for the purpose of creating a link between the two tables.

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