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An Object Oriented program simulating the behavior of different animals has each type of animal class inherit from a parent Animal class as defined below
// Java code in Animal.java public class Animal { private String diet; // constructor public Animal(String d) { this.diet = d; } // accessor method public String getDiet() { return diet; } public void talk() { System.out.println("Hello, I eat " + getDiet()); } }
// Java code in Dog.java public class Dog extends Animal { private String sound; // constructor public Dog(String n, String d) { << insert code here >> } // accessor method public String getSound() { << insert code here >> } public void talk() { System.out.println(getSound() + ", I eat " + getDiet()); } }
class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Dog myPet = new Dog("Woof", "biscuits"); myPet.talk(); } }
Write a constructor function and accessor method to complete the Dog class such that the main function yields the following:
"Woof, I eat biscuits"

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